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While there are plenty of great scholarships out there, there are not that many scholarships that provide the assistance and support focusing on the needs of women. Fortunately, there is one for Cambodian women.

Supporting Her Education Changes a Nation (SHECAN) is a non-profit organization that helps women from Cambodia, Liberia, and soon Guatemala to win fully-funded scholarships to U.S. colleges for four years. And here are why SHECAN is a scholarship that Cambodian Women should know about. Continue reading Why SHECAN?

How to find an accommodation as an International Student

There are a lot of excitements when a student comes to study in the United States. They will be looking forward to making new friends, trying new foods, visiting different places, finding accommodation and more. Wait a minute, finding accommodations? That sounds like a stressful and complicated processes? How do we find housing when we are not yet physically in the United States? Well, if … Continue reading How to find an accommodation as an International Student